Blue Mango Learning Systems GLX Application Framework version 1.2.0 build 1

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Package Application Messages

Objects, Scripts and Properties
OnOn glxapp_build Message sent when your application when it is being built using the Application Packager. All of your application stacks will be in memory but not in use. You can customize any settings in this handler as the packaged stacks will be saved AFTER this message is sent to your application.
OnOn glxapp_cleanupApplication Message sent when your application is being shut down. You should save any data, shut down any externals that may need it, etc. Preferences are saved automatically so you don't have to save them manually.
OnOn glxapp_firstRun Message sent the first time your application is opened on a computer. You can perform any logic specific to the first run during this message.
OnOn glxapp_initializeApplication Message sent after all stacks, externals and other resources have been loaded into memory. This is a good place to load database drivers, license any libraries you use, etc.
OnOn glxapp_openApplication Message sent when your application should be displayed to the user. The default definition for this handler opens the 'program' stack.
OnOn glxapp_openFiles Message sent when the system has requested that your application open supported files. Supported files are those that you have defined in the 'Files' pane of the plugin.
OnOn glxapp_preloadApplication Message sent after externals and preferences have been loaded but before any stack libraries or windows.
OnOn glxapp_relaunch Message sent when the Windows operating system has requested that your application be relaunced but your application only supports a single instance. The default definition for this handler brings your 'program' stack out of iconic mode.