Handlers for importing/exporting QT content.

Handlers - qtExport, qtGetExportSettings, qtNewMovie, qtSaveAs, qtSaveMovieSnapShotToFile or qtsnap2file

command qtExport MovieController, TrackNumber, FileName, pType, ExportVariable
Lets a user export the current movie contents. Uses QuickTime export dialog.
MovieController: Movie controller id of player to export.
TrackNumber: Index of track to export. Set to 0 to export entire movie.
FileName: Path to file to save to.
pType: Type of exporter to use (movie, aiff, wav, dv, 3gpp, ipod)
ExportVariable: Name of variable containing data retrieved using qtGetExportSettings().
empty or error (These two are especially important - qterr,user canceled dialog, qterr,user aborted export).
command qtGetExportSettings MovieController, TrackIndex, pType, ExportVariable
Displays a compression dialog allowing you to configure and store export settings.
MovieController: Movie controller id of player to export.
TrackIndex: Index of track to export. 0 for entire movie.
pType: Type of exporter to get (movie, aiff, wav, dv, 3gpp, ipod)
ExportVariable: Name of variable to store data in.
empty or error ("qterr,user canceled dialog" if user cancels.).
command qtNewMovie Path
Creates an empty movie at the provided path.
Path: Path to movie to create.
command qtSaveAs MovieController, Path, Flatten, SaveDisable, IsReplacing, SaveDimensions, Command, Target
Saves a movie to the provided path.
MovieController: Movie controller id of player to export.
Path: Path to movie
Flatten: Boolean specifying whether or not to flatten the movie.
SaveDisable: Boolean specifying whether movie is save disabled.
IsReplacing: True if replacing a file that already exists. If replacing and the existing movie cannot be deleted then "qterr,Error deleting existing file." is returned. If you are replacing a file and don't pass this flag correctly and the movie is open by someone else funny things can happen.
SaveDimensions: Boolean - true saves the current rect of the movie as displayed in Revolution. False saves movie with natural dimensions. Default is false.
Command: Transcript handler to call with save progress updates. This command will receive up to two parameters. Param 1 is either "open", "close" or "update". If param 1 = "update" then param 2 is the percentage of the save that is complete (1-100). Leave empty for no message. Note that if the SaveAs process is quick then QuickTime will not send a progress message.
Target: Long id of target to send command to.
empty or error
command qtSaveMovieSnapShotToFile or qtsnap2file MovieInputPath, MovieOutputPath, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, Time, UsePoster, MaintainAspectRatio, ExportFormat, ExportQuality
Takes a snapshot of the given time in a movie file.
MovieInputPath: Path to movie.
MovieOutputPath: Path to save file to.
ImageWidth: Width of image to export.
ImageHeight: Height of output image.
Time: Time, in movie timescale, to export.
UsePoster: Set to true in order to use movie poster rather than provided time.
MaintainAspectRatio: Set to true to keep image aspect ratio when resizing.
ExportFormat: Picture type to export gif|png|jpeg|photoshop|pict|tiff
ExportQuality: Number between 1-100.
orig width, orig height, new width, new height or error