New Course Dates
Now that everyone at Blue Mango Learning Systems is back home and settled in after attending the RunRevLive conference in Edinburgh we are ready for another round of Professional Application Development with Revolution. This is our course that teaches you about application development techniques in Revolution. We start with how to organize your development environment and go through releasing installers and updaters. The course uses the open-source GLX Application Framework as a foundation to illustrate various principles.
The dates for the next course are September 29th and October 1st. There are two one-hour sessions each day.
Free Session
We are also excited to announce that RunRev is sponsoring the first session of the 4-session course this time. This means you can attend Session I: Organizing For Success for free. In this session you learn how to set up your development environment so that you harness all of the benefits that Revolution offers when developing cross-platform applications. The focus will be on:
- Organizing your application development environment
- Understanding key concepts of the GLX Application Framework
- Maintaining a single code base when releasing to multiple target groups and platforms
- Organizing code, objects and internal media
SQL Yoga Discount
Those who purchase a course pass will also be eligible for 50% off the $199 price of SQL Yoga, the new database library from Blue Mango Learning Systems.
Learn more about the Professional Application Development With Revolution course and get pricing and registration information. Or, if you already know you want to attend the entire course, you can purchase a pass to the entire course now.