Category Archives: GLX App Framework

New Manual: Converting An Existing Application To Use The Framework

Ivan Wong of MapleCommerce was kind enough to let me use an application he is working on as an example of how to convert an existing application to use the GLX Application Framework.

I just uploaded the new manual which I think will prove useful to those looking to start using the framework.

View Converting An Existing Application To Use The Framework


GLX Application Framework 1.1 Released

Revolution is an incredible cross-platform development tool for quickly creating programs that run multiple platforms. But creating an application with Revolution still requires that the developer create their own libraries to perform many common application tasks.

The GLX Application Framework provides the underlying infrastructure you need for creating professional-grade applications on Mac and Windows. This allows you to focus on making your application unique and valuable instead of wasting time setting up mundane features such as undo support. Using the framework saves you time and makes you more productive.

To find out more visit the GLX Application Framework page in our Revolution Tools section.


GLX Application Framework 1.1 Coming Your Way

The release of version 1.1 of the GLX Application Framework is just around the corner and it has a number of new features and enhancements that take the grunt work out of application development. This version of the framework will go even further in helping you be more productive and in creating more polished applications.

The biggest addition by far is a customized version of libURL that takes the headache out of working with proxy servers in corporate networks. The framework can resolve proxy servers in environments where the proxy server is provided by a PAC file. And, thanks to an external provided by our friends at Altuit, the framework also supports NTLM authentication on Windows.

Some other features of the customized libURL library are:

  • Automatic handling of cookies
  • Support for HEAD requests
  • Support for non-blocking POST requests
  • Generation of internet time stamps in GMT

In addition, the customized version of libURL alerts you when your program tries to connect to a secure server with an invalid certificate so you can ask the user if they are okay with that.

Another big addition to the framework is a generalized undo framework that helps you manage your undo/redo logic. While the framework can’t write the undo code for you it does make it much easier to add this vital functionality to your applications.

Besides the big feature additions there are a number of feature improvements and bug fixes including improvements to auto update.

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