Blue Mango Learning Systems GLX Application Framework version 1.2.0 build 1

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function glxapp_getProp()

Returns a GLX Application property.

function glxapp_getProp pProperty
Simple parameter. pProperty Property to retrieve.

32x32 app icon id: Returns the id of the 32x32 image of your application icon.

64x64 app icon id: Returns the id of the 64x64 image of your application icon.

application folder: Returns the path to the folder containing your application. This is the folder with the .exe on Windows or .app on OS X.

application has loaded: Returns true if the application has finished loading all necessary files. False otherwise.

application stack file path: Returns the full path to the application.dat stack file.

application update version: Returns the version of the application that is available on the update server.

auto update username: The username that will be used to authenticate with the server when the framework checks for updates. Default is empty.

auto update password: The password that will be used to authenticate with the server when the framework checks for updates. Default is empty.

build profile: Returns the build profile used to build the application. This will always return "development" when in the IDE.

build profiles: Returns a CR delimited list of Build Profile objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept Build Profile objects as parameters.

debug log file: Returns the name of the file that glxapp_debugLog will write messages to.

email address for errors: The email address that error reports should be sent to. This is used if your application has the user manually submit error reports.

error reporting url: The url that error reports should be automatically submitted to. If set, the framework will POST a form to the URL if the user chooses to do so. This overrides 'email address for errors'.

executable folder: Returns the root folder containing your application files. Always use this property to locate application files. This is a special property that helps your application locate application files both during development and distribution when running on OS X. The framework uses the location of the application.dat stack file to determine the root folder where you application files are stored. While developing on OS X your application.dat file will be outside the application bundle you test with. When you deploy application.dat will be inside the application bundle. Note that if you keep application.dat in a subdirectory (i.e. ./components/application.dat) that the subdirectory (i.e. ./components) will NOT be included in the returned path. The path is always the root folder.

externals: Returns a CR delimited list of External objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept External objects as parameters.

is portable: Whether or not portability features are enabled. Currently this just causes the framework to look for a preference file alongside the application for the "user preference file" property.

in portable mode: Whether or not app is running in portable mode.

macos externals: Returns a CR delimited list of MacOS External objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept External objects as parameters.

win32 externals: Returns a CR delimited list of Win32 External objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept External objects as parameters.

macos required external packages: Returns a CR delimited list of MacOS required externals as identified by the externalPackage property of the external.

win32 required external packages: Returns a CR delimited list of Win32 required externals as identified by the externalPackage property of the external

file extensions: Returns a CR delimited list of File Extension objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept File Extension objects as parameters.

file type filters: Returns a CR delimited list of File Type Filter objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept File Type Filter objects as parameters.

framework stack file path: Returns the path to the framework stack file.

framework version: Returns the version of the framework library.

preference broadcaster: Returns the long id of the button used to store preference broadcasting settings.

network traffic log file: Returns the name of the file that glxapp_logNetworkActivity will write messages to.

resources: Returns a CR delimited list of Resource objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept Resource objects as parameters.

root folder: Synonym for "application folder".

shared data folder: Returns the path to the shared data folder for your application.

shared preference file: Returns the path to the shared preference file.

stacks: Returns a CR delimited list of Stack objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept Stack objects as parameters.

stacks password: The password that will be assigned to application stacks when using the Application Packager.

stacks to unlock in standalone: A CR delimited list of stack names that will be unlocked with your application's password when the application launches. Useful for stacks that have controls that need to be copied.

standalone name: Returns the name of your application standalone for the platform the application is curently running on, e.g. or MyApp.exe.

standalone name without extension: Returns the name of your application standalone for the platform the application is curently running on, e.g. MyApp.

working standalone name: Returns the name of the standalone that is currently running your application. In the IDE the standalone is the Revolution IDE, e.g. or Revolution .exe.

macos standalone name: Returns the name of your application standalone for MacOS, e.g.

win32 standalone name: Returns the name of your application standalone for Windows, e.g. MyApp.exe.

standalone path: Returns the path of your application standalone for the platform the application is curently running on, e.g. /Path/To/ or C:/Path/To/MyApp.exe.

working standalone path: Returns the path of the standalone that is currently running your application. In the IDE the standalone is the Revolution IDE, e.g. /Path/To/ or C:/Path/To/Revolution .exe.

macos standalone path: Returns the path of your application standalone for MacOS, e.g. /Path/To/

win32 standalone path: Returns the path of your application standalone for Windows, e.g. C:/Path/To/MyApp.exe.

standalone resources: Returns a CR delimited list of Standalone Resource objects for the application. These objects can be used with API calls that accept Standalone Resource objects as parameters.

update available: Returns true if an update is available for your application. This will always return false if you have not called glxapp_checkForUpdate.

use pac file: Returns boolean value specifying whether or not a PAC file should be used when determing the proxy address for urls loaded with libURL. The framework sets this property when you call glxapp_initializeProxy. Default value is false.

user data folder: Returns the path to the user data folder for your application. If "in portable mode" is true then this will be the "application folder" property.

user preference file: Returns the path to the user preference file.

use shared preference file: Returns boolean value specifying whether or not your application uses a shared preference file. Default is false.

version array: Returns an array containing application version information. The keys of the array are "major", "minor", "revision", "build" and "stage".

version: Returns a full version string containing major, minor, revision, build and stage information. e.g. 2.6.2 r2

short version: Returns a version string containing major, minor, and revision. e.g. 2.6.2

long version: Returns a version string containing major, minor, revision, build and stage information with no spaces. e.g. 2.6.2d2

