Blue Mango Learning Systems GLX Application Framework version 1.2.0 build 1

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Package Application Updater

Objects, Scripts and Properties
CommandCommand glxapp_checkForUpdate Checks if an update for you application is available on the update server.
CommandCommand glxapp_installUpdate Begins the application update process by downloading the updater stack from the server.
CommandCommand glxapp_promptUserToUpdate Ask the user if they would like to update their version of the application.
CommandCommand glxapp_updateIfAvailable Checks if an update is available. If so then the user is prompted to update and the update process begins.
OnOn glxapp_updaterDownloaded This message is received when the application updater stack finishes downloading from the update server.
CommandCommand glxapp_validateAndLaunchUpdater Launches the updater stack and runs the updater.