Blue Mango Learning Systems GLX Application Framework version 1.2.0 build 1

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Package Preferences

Objects, Scripts and Properties
CommandCommand glxapp_savePrefs Saves preferences to disk.
CommandCommand glxapp_setPref Sets an application preference.
CommandCommand glxapp_setPrefDefaultValue Sets the default value for a preference. The default value is used by the framework when calling glxapp_getPref and the preference value has not yet been set on the computer.
FunctionFunction glxapp_getPref() Gets an application preference.
FunctionFunction glxapp_getPrefDefaultValue() Returns the default value for a preference. The default value is used by the framework when calling glxapp_getPref and the preference value has not yet been set on the computer.
FunctionFunction glxapp_prefIsSet() Checks if a preference has been set on the computer the application is running on.
FunctionFunction glxapp_prefsAreInit() Tells you whether or not preferences are loaded into memory.