SQL Yoga version 1.1.0 build 4 :: Visit website

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command sqlrecord_update

Updates records in a database using a SQL Record object.

command sqlrecord_update @pRecordsA
Simple parameter. pRecordsA SQL Record object/array of SQL Record objects (numerically indexed) that has the primary key column for each record filled in along with any columns whose values you want to set.

This command updates records in the database based on the SQL Record objects you pass in. Note that the primary key column will NOT be updated.

sqlrecord_find "lessons", theID, theRecordA 
sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "title", "A new title"
sqlrecord_update theRecordA

Update callbacks in your Table Object definitions will be called and broadcasts will be sent to listeners during this operation.


Error message in 'the result', affected rows in 'it'

See also