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function tableobj_get()

Retrieves properties of a Table Object.

function tableobj_get pTableA, pProp
Simple parameter. @pTableA Name of the table to get a property for.
Simple parameter. pProp The property to get.
OptionalSimple parameter. [pDBKey] Database Object table is associated with. Default is name returned by sqlyoga_getDefaultDatabase().


after create listeners:

after delete listeners: Handlers that will be called right after a Record object is deleted using sqlrecord_delete, one per line. Each line consists of the following:HANDER_NAME,REFERNECE_TO_OBJECT_CONTAINING_HANDLER

after retrieve listeners:

after update listeners:

alias for table: The name of the table that this Table object is an alias for.

before create listeners:

before delete listeners: Handlers that will be called right before a Record object is deleted using sqlrecord_delete, one per line. Each line consists of the following:HANDER_NAME,REFERNECE_TO_OBJECT_CONTAINING_HANDLER

before update listeners:

conditions: If a Table object is an alias to another table then this property returns any conditions that have been set. The conditions are used to filter the table content that the alias represents. The format is FIELD=VALUE,FIELD2=VALUE2,...

database: The name of the Database object the Table object is associated with.

fields: A return delimited list of the fields in the table.

fields array: The array containing all field information for the table. The keys are the names of the fields. Each field key has properties such as name, type, meta type, etc.

name: The name of the Table object.

primary key: A comma delimited list of field names that make up the primary key for the table.

relationships: A return delimitd list of the names of relationships associated with the table.

scopes: A return delimited list of the names of the Table object's Scope objects.

table aliases: A return delimited list of names of Table objects that are aliases to the Table object.

type: The type of the Table object - "table" or "alias".

