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function tblrelation_get()

Retrieves a property of a Relationship Object.

function tblrelation_get pRelationA, pProp
Simple parameter. pRelationA Relationship name.
Simple parameter. pProp Property to retrieve.
OptionalSimple parameter. [pDBKey] Database Object relationship is associated with. Default is name returned by sqlyoga_getDefaultDatabase(). Only applicable if pRelationA is not a reference array.



cross-reference table: The name of the table that connects the left and right tables in a many-to-many relationship.

cross-reference table key for left table: A comma delimited list of field(s) used as the key that connects the cross-reference table to the left table. You can pass in a hard coded value using the format COL=VALUE, escaping and quoting VALUES as needed.

cross-reference table key for left table without values: Returns the keys used for to link the cross-reference table to the left table with any hard coded column values stripped.

cross-reference table key for right table: A comma delimited list of field(s) used as the key that connects the cross-reference table to the right table. You can pass in a hard coded value using the format COL=VALUE, escaping and quoting VALUES as needed.

cross-reference table key for right table without values: Returns the keys used for to link the cross-reference table to the right table with any hard coded column values stripped.

database: The name of the database the Relationship object is associated with.

left table key: A comma delimited list of field(s) used as the key in the left table.

left table key: A comma delimited list of field(s) used as the key in the left table.

left table key without values: Returns the keys used for the left table with any hard coded column values stripped.

right table key without values: Returns the keys used for the right table with any hard coded column values stripped.

name: The name of the Relationship object.

order by: The column to sort the records in the relationship by when they are retrieved from the database.


right table: The name of the right table in the relationship. This can also be thought of as the child table.

right table key: A comma delimited list of field(s) used as the key in the right table.

type: Type of relationship. 'many-to-many', 'one-to-many' or 'one-to-one'.

