Professional Application Development With Revolution (Now LiveCode)

Note: This course was written in 2009. The course is now being made available for free as the content is old. There is still relevant information in it for a developer so I’m still making the materials available for consumption.

As a LiveCode user you know that it is a powerful and simple platform for programming. But the jump from creating a stack that runs some code to distributing a professional grade application can sometimes feel daunting. There are many things to worry about such as user preferences, demo builds, distributing updates, and undo support just to name a few.

The course “Professional Application Development with Revolution”* offered by Blue Mango Learning Systems will provide you with the foundation you need to create high-quality, professional applications with LiveCode.

* When this course was created LiveCode was named Revolution.


One thought on “Professional Application Development With Revolution (Now LiveCode)

  1. Pingback: New Dates For Professional Application Development Course and Free Session Sponsored By RunRev : Releasable Revolution

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